
How to Return to the Office Confidently After Labor Day

August 26, 2022

Many corporate offices have been announcing the decision to revert back to in-office hours after Labor Day. For those of us preparing for an in-person 9–5, read below to find some helpful safety tips to help protect you and your coworkers against a COVID-19 outbreak.

1. Avoid a group commute if possible

If possible, try and limit the public transportation you use when going back to the office, as being in prolonged close contact with others always increases the chance of contracting COVID-19.

If this isn’t an option, limit the ride-sharing to those in your household, and check in with them if they’re feeling under the weather. You can also take extra precautions while using public transportation, like wearing a mask and being up-to-date on your vaccination status which may help lower the severity if infected with COVID-19.

2. Ask about protections + protocol 

If your employers are asking you to come back into the office, they likely have some measure of COVID-19 protection or protocol in place. Check with your office manager, HR department, or even your boss to get the scoop on their social distancing policy, and what will happen if there’s an office outbreak.

3. Avoid the elevators 

Elevators can be COVID’s best friend — crowded, warm, and often lacking good ventilation. Avoid the small space of an elevator by taking the stairs whenever you can — don’t forget to use sanitizer after touching the railings as a precaution. As a bonus, you’ll quickly conquer those fitness goals!

4. Keep it clean

This is possibly a no-brainer, but make sure you’re practicing conscious hygiene during your time at the office. This can include washing your hands for the CDC recommended time (20 seconds), grabbing some sanitizing wipes to wipe down your desk, and avoiding directly touching commonly used objects, like door knobs or elevator buttons.

5. Test regularly for COVID-19

Stay up-to-date with your COVID-19 status with On/Go. Regularly testing for COVID-19 allows you to stay in the know about your health. If you are frequently exposed to areas with a high concentration of people, your risk of infection increases. Test for COVID-19 with On/Go and On/Go One, rated #1 by the ECRI, you can be confident about your COVID-19 status while returning to the office! Shop On/Go and On/Go One at our website.

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